Opportunities are the relevant government contracts for your business

If you're looking for new business opportunities in the public sector, you naturally want to know what government contracts are out there that match your operations, expertise and capabilities. With TenderWolf, you can easily and quickly find, track and manage the relevant government contracts for your business.

What are opportunities?

Opportunities are the public contracts that meet your search profiles. These are the criteria (CPV codes, NUTS codes, contains certain technical terms or keywords, etc.) that a tender must minimally meet to be relevant. Then the tender becomes an opportunity. With TenderWolf, multiple search profiles can be created and managed. This is specialist work. Preferably the management is done by TenderWolf itself, but you can also choose to manage your search profiles yourself.

Opportunities are preliminary announcements, notices or contests, whose deadline has not yet passed. This means you can still participate in the procedure, or prepare for a future procedure. You can view the status, deadline and documents of each opportunity in the details page.

How do you find opportunities?

You can find opportunities in different ways:

- Through the Opportunities tab in your dashboard. Here you see an overview of all opportunities that match your search profiles. You can filter, sort and export them to Excel. You can search by keywords within the official publication, but also within all assignment documents (specifications, supporting documents, measurement statements, etc.) You can add labels to classify assignments, identify them for discussion, or for other tasks. You can share assignments with colleagues or potential partners.
- Through the 'Search' tab in your dashboard. Here you can perform an advanced search with more options, and thus go outside your search profiles.
- Through the e-mail alerts you receive daily. Here you get a summary of new opportunities that match your search profiles.

How do you add opportunities to your shortlist?

When you have found an opportunity that interests you, add it to your shortlist. You do this by clicking on the asterisk at the bottom right of the overview map on a tender, or at the top right of the detail page of a tender.

Your shortlist is a personal list of opportunities you want to track and manage. You can view your shortlist in the 'Shortlist' tab in your dashboard. By adding opportunities to your shortlist, you ensure that you automatically receive all corrections, PV of opening and award information. You will receive them by email, but also within the app. This way you always stay up to date with the latest developments and changes in the procedure.


Opportunities are the relevant public contracts for your business. They meet your search profiles, they are pre-announcements, announcements or competitions, whose deadline has not yet passed.

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